Arenal Volcano is located in the district of La Fortuna in Costa Rica. The volcano is located about an hour outside of San Jose and is one of the most famous landmarks in the entire country. This beautiful landmark is so picturesque, it almost makes you forget that this stratovolcano is considered “active” even though it does not currently experience eruptive activity. With a view like this, it is a must to see Arenal in person when visiting Costa Rica.


This week’s #g1photofriday was uploaded by user @cnm4real using the hashtag #gate1travel. This majestic scene was taken in the Arenal Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. Be sure to tag your photos on social media with #gate1travel or #g1photofriday to be featured. Check out Gate 1 Travel’s Costa Rica trips here!

Posted by Gate 1 Travel

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